Dear showerhead, our relationship wasn't sustainable.
Did you know that masturbating in the shower uses enough water to fill 121 Olympic-sized swimming pools every year?
Luckily there’s a better way to masturbate, for us and for the planet.
This World Environmental Day, we are encouraging everyone to swap the way they masturbate and choose a sustainable sex toy.
Break up with your showerhead.
You’ve moved on, now it’s time for the showerheads to do it too.
Here are the 5 Stages of a (showerhead) Breakup, and how to handle them.

Stage 1: Denial
“Wasteful…” she called me… wasteful…
I’m not wasteful. Sure maybe I get her wetter than necessary, but she used to love it. I mean, sure, we were indulgent together, but wasteful? How many millions of litres of water are wasted doing the dishes, or washing the car, or watering the plants? I’M wasteful!? This isn’t happening.
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Stage 2: Bargaining
Wait, wait! I can change! I can use less water!
Please, it doesn’t need to be like this. You always loved my showerhead. Do you want me to vibrate? I can learn to vibrate. It’s easy, I’ll vibrate every day. Just give me one more chance.
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Stage 3: Anger
She said our relationship wasn’t sustainable. You know what I think about that?
%&/£!!!. &%£@#!!!!!!!! Sustainability my #&$! And that £%@&!! sex toy %&@!
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Stage 4: Sadness
wahhhhhhhhhhh, whyyyyyy wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we were meant to be forever!
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Stage 5: Acceptance
I guess it’s best for both of us… I mean… our relationship wasn’t sustainable anyways.
I hope she’s happier now. With her new sex toy. Or as she likes to call him… her new “toyfriend”. Yuck. I’ll get over it…
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